Key Personnel of the Ganzel Group
- Bill Ganzel, executive producer, photographer, writer, editor. I have over 30 years experience as a print and media production, and I'm currently president and principal of the Ganzel Group Communications, Inc. Before that I was an executive producer with the Nebraska Public Television Network for 27 years. My television documentaries and series have won national awards and have been broadcast by stations nationwide through PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service. My fine art photographs have been exhibited at galleries around the world and the work is included in the permanent collections of several art museums.
Currently, I am working on the multimedia project, Sixties Survivors. For this project, I'm tracking down some of the same people who were first photographed and profiled in LOOK Magazine during the pivotal historical decade of the 1960s. When I find them, I'm producing my own contemporary still photo portraits, oral history interviews and documentary video segments. A demonstration Web site is up at SixtiesSurvivors.org.
In my book, Dust Bowl Descent (University of Nebraska Press, 1984) I tracked down some of the same people and places first photographed during the Great Depression by the photographers of the Farm Security Administration (FSA). The book was favorably reviewed by The New York Times, Christian Scientist Monitor, New Yorker, American Photographer and many newspapers. My full résumé is here.
- Alexandru Moscu, video editor. Alex has served as the primary editor on scores of local and national documentaries for Nebraska Educational Telecommunications (NET) and for WGBH, the PBS affiliate in Boston. His resume lists over 15 major awards for documentary productions including a Peabody Award, several Gold Eagle Awards, a Gabriel Award, a Golden Hugo Award, an Ohio State Award, and a nomination for a national Emmy. He holds an MA in Romanian Language and Literature from the University of Bucharest, Romania, and has received additional training at the AVID editing seminar and the Flaherty Film Seminar.
- Tom Larson, music composer and producer. Tom holds a Bachelors of Music from the Berklee College of Music in Boston MA and a Masters of Music in Composition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). He is currently a lecturer in music at UNL and the owner of Tom Larson Music, Inc., in Lincoln. He has scored three documentaries that aired on the PBS series The American Experience executive produced by WGBH Boston Monkey Trial, Around the World in 72 Days, and In the White Man's Image. He has scored six other national PBS documentaries including one program for the PBS series NOVA.
- Mike Keating, videographer and Web site programmer. Mike has over 20 years experience as a producer, director, videographer, editor, writer, instructional designer, interactive designer, and actor. Currently, he is an instructor and program chair for the Visual Publications program at Southeast Community College in Lincoln. He holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of Great Falls MT, a BS in Film and Television from Montana State University, and an MEd in Curriculum Design and Instrustion from Montana State University, Bozeman MT.